Commentaire de Xenozoid
sur CETA : l'UE contre les peuples européens

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Xenozoid 17 février 2017 16:32
1. What is Investor-State Dispute Settlement (’ISDS’) ? ISDS is a procedural mechanism provided for in international agreements on investment. Countries sign such agreements in order to set out ground rules when foreign companies invest on their territory, for example by building factories. ISDS allows an investor from one country to bring a case directly against the country in which they have invested before an arbitration tribunal. In order to bring a case, an investor must claim that the Party has breached rules set out in the agreement. For example, an investment agreement will often say that a government can only take over or ’expropriate’ (for example, nationalise) an investment if it pays adequate compensation to the investor. If a country seizes an investment or passes new laws which make it worthless (for example, it suddenly bans a product produced in a factory owned by a foreign investor) and pays insufficient compensation, or none at all, the investor could use ISDS to bring a claim directly against that country, claiming a breach of the expropriation provision in the agreement and seeking compensation. 

qui était un paravent pour couvrire les pertes éventuelles des multi apres la « décolonisation »,ce n’est pas nouveau,et la décolonisation n’a jamais eu lieux

que les uns le découvre et d’autre l’aprouve, ne change rien il est ce que les corporations sont au pouvoir et les lois a la justice,une illusion
par exemple les pays bas avec ses 18 millions ,s’en est fait une spécialité(rotterdam ). le canada et l’australie sont ses meilleurs clients

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