Kapimo Kapimo 30 juin 2020 22:44

Oui, ce pays ne tient que parce qu’il y a encore du monde, sans doute un vieux fond chrétien, qui oeuvre pour l’intéret général, non en vue d’obtenir des prébendes mais pour se regarder sereinement dans la glace.

"One should be able to respect one’s self and one’s actions. You have to take actions that you’d respect if somebody else did them. What’s the point of living if you don’t like who you are ? You can have all the money in the world, and if you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see there, what’s the point of it ?

The most important thing is that I like who I am, and that I take actions that I would respect if somebody else did them, and live a life of character, honesty, and truthfulness.

I believe that a person has the ability to mold their character like a sculptor molds a piece of clay. There’s an old saying that « a leopard never changes its spots » — I don’t believe that. I believe people have the total ability to mold their character into what they choose to be in their life, what their ideals are.

And that’s what I try to do with my life. I am not the same person today as I was thirty years ago. I’ve changed a lot. Because I wanted to be something better than I was before. And my philosophy is that you have to like yourself, you have to be a decent person, with character and integrity and honor. And that’s what’s important."


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