Alain-Goethe 12 mars 2011 14:38

Viens d’aller sur site de TEPCO

Leur + récent release est :


Press Release (Mar 12,2011)
White smoke around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1

On March 11, 2011, turbines and reactors of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station Unit 1(Boiling Water Reactor, Rated Output 460 MW) and
Unit 2 and 3 (Boiling Water Reactor, Rated Output 784 MW) that had been
operating at rated power automatically shutdown due to the
Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake.(already announced)

Today at approximately 3:36PM, a big quake occurred and there was a big
sound around the Unit 1 and white smoke.
Our two employees and two subcontract workers working for the safety of
the plant were injured and transported to the hospital.

We are presently checking on the site situation of each plant and effect
of discharged radioactive materials.

We will endeavor to restore the units and continue monitoring the
environment of the site periphery. « 

C’est là qu’ils parlent des 4 travailleurs blessés .

Cette centrale est de type : BWR = Boiling Water reactor - Réacteur à eau bouillante.

Comme les PWR , il y a une  »enceinte" de confinement autour de la cuve de la Chaudière nucléaire ;
C’est mieux que les conceptions type Tchernobyl

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