Vladivostok 1919 Vladivostok 1919 9 septembre 2013 17:59

les Saudis et Qataris ont effectivement offert de financer le changement de regime en Syrie :


"John Kerry said at today’s congressional hearing that Arab counties have offered to pay for regime change in Syria :

With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes. They have. That offer is on the table.

In fact, some of them have said that if the United States is prepared to go do the whole thing the way we’ve done it previously in other places, they’ll carry that cost.

That’s how dedicated they are at this. That’s not in the cards, and nobody’s talking about it, but they’re talking in serious ways about getting this done.

The « Arabs » Kerry alludes to are Saudis (and see this) and Qataris (and here)."

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