La Dame du Lac La Dame du Lac 5 avril 2015 17:57


je vous avais pourtant cité une source (Sir Huston) mais vous semblez ne pas vouloir voir ce qui ne vous arrange pas. Voilà un rapport édifiant. Hé oui, les opiions divergent entre généticiens, et à partir du moment où ils ne peuvent prouver empiriquement un fait, cela signifie que RIEN n’est sûr. La seule certitide c’est que vous dévoyez la science pour en faire une propagande

Allele frequencies in populations can be compared to assess the extent to which populations differ from one another. The overall pattern of these genetic distances, summarized in a network diagram , shows several important trends. First, populations tend to cluster according to their geographic distance from one another. This is to be expected, as geographically distant populations were less likely to exchange migrants throughout human evolutionary history. Second, the African populations are more diverse, a pattern consistent with many studies that have compared in various human populations. Third, the largest genetic distance is seen between African and non-African populations.

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