njama njama 8 avril 2017 16:53

Une vidéo (à 1:02) où l’on voit des rebelles barbus (les amis de l’opposition) ayant menacé de recourir à l’arme chimique « Video Message from terrorists in Syria, early March 2013, and their Intention to Use Chemical Warfare »

West Turns a Blind Eye that Their Terrorists in Syria Used WMDs, Against all Evidence

Ajoutée le 20 mars 2013

This heinous war crime by western supported terrorists in Syria cannot be denied. Western media is still « unsure » who gassed the civilians in Khan el Asal Aleppo on March 19th 2013. The Russian government has confirmed that is was terrorists and not the Syrian government that used chemical warfare in Khan el Asal.


WMD = Weapon of Mass Destruction

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