Commentaire de Mélusine ou la Robe de Saphir.
sur Sommes-nous libres ou automates du destin ? Le cas de la cosmogonie Raja Yoga

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Mélusine ou la Robe de Saphir. Mélusine ou la Robe de Saphir. 1er juin 2018 17:56

Et voici le retour d’HERMES : An occult description of the Caduceus of Hermes (Mercury) is that the serpents represent positive and negative charges of kundalini as it moves through the chakras and around the spine (the staff) to the head where conscious perception occurs, the domain of Mercury the messenger. The wings of Hermes represent consciousness or Spirit. The « flow » signifies consciousness and perception—for no flow, means no lifeforce. Spiritual evolution is an ever increasing relationship with the neutral ground between the play of opposites. The Trinity is also observable in the caduceus : the helix is the Son (matter), the staff is the Father (zero-point ground) and the wings are the Holy Ghost (tangible perception of spirit). electry, comment expliquez-vous que cet échange ait eu lieu dans le signe des Gémeaux (mercure) et pas Taureau ?

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