Commentaire de morice
sur Fusion froide, du nouveau ?

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morice morice 29 janvier 2013 16:20

A key aspect of many analyses in this report was the examination of the video of Rossi’s demonstration which I filmed in Bologna. Later, on Jan. 7, 2012, we also published a more concise analysis of the video in our article «  The Failure of Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer, Caught on Video. »

The analyses in our Report #3 show that the amount and rate of steam that was coming out of Rossi’s device didn’t match his claim of about 5,000 Watts - not by a long shot.

Instead, the steam coming out looked exactly like what you would expect to see coming out of a 1,000-Watt electric tea kettle. In fact, that’s about how much electricity was going into Rossi’s device. There is no ambiguity about the failure ; all of the required data was available.

Here’s the key fact that I learned only the day before I arrived in Bologna : When liquid water turns into vaporized water (steam), it expands volumetrically 1,600 times. And, because of this expansion, combined with the physical properties of the drain hose, the steam should have left the end of the hose at approximately 67 mph if his device was producing the amount of energy he claimed. But the rate of steam coming out of the hose looked more like gentle puffs of about 10 mph. (See Report #3 for calculations.)

I am certain that Rossi did not understand these engineering factors of steam when he demonstrated his device to me because, if he had, he immediately would have given me a reason the steam was coming out so slowly. But Rossi is neither a mechanical engineer nor a physicist. There is no reason that he should have known these facts from his training. His degree in chemical engineering may have been ineffective, too, because he got it from a diploma mill.

il a un FAUX DIPLOME, votre « chimiste » ESCROC :

The school was founded in 1976 by Alfred Calabro in Glendale, California, as a “no fat, no bull” correspondence school. The university was housed entirely in a Glendale office that also contained Calabro’s law practice. Kensington awarded bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in a wide range of fields. California regulators said that Kensington handed out degrees “which may have little, if any, academic value” and perpetrated a “fraud on the public”. State investigators found that the school awarded doctoral degrees after as little as four months’ work which consisted of reading magazine articles. Following a protracted legal battle, Kensington University was ordered shut down by the California courts in 1996, and the school shifted its operations to Oahu, Hawaii, where it was shut down by court order in Hawaii in 2003.

alors vos connaissances sont bien comme les siennes : du flan complet.

puf puf, le bruit de la vapeur.... 

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